Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Flat Butt, Flat Butt, Go Away

Kicked some serious ass-my own!
I have *got* to get some emoticons on here, I am so used to having them. Then again, I am supposed to be a writer, I am not supposed to need props to convey my meaning. Your words are your tools, Rose. Use your words.
Anyway... so, I didn't feel like working out today. I never do. OK, never is not a good word--you shouldn't say "always" or "never," because no one "always" or "nevers." It's good to keep that in mind if you ever argue with your spouse.
Let's say I rarely feel like working out. I am the excuse diva-- I can always find an excuse, and a damn good one, at that. I'd much rather have some Toblerone and a cup of espresso, together, thanks, and some Ben and Jerry's, pass the whipped cream and the remote, please.
But I am doing this not only for myself; I am also doing it for my sons. If I am going to be able to give everything I should, then I'd better be in shape.

Even more important, they are what they see their parents do. So if they see me stuffing junk food and sitting for hours staring at a TV screen, guess what? They will do the exact same thing, and I want them to be healthy and fit. I want those little bodies to stay as healthy and strong as I so lovingly and carefully tried to make them, when I was pregnant with these two precious souls.

So, I got my flat butt (yes, I used to have a lovely butt, now it is flat) into the basement and kicked it, hard. As usual, after the first 5 minutes of my body screaming, "STOP, THIS SUCKS, I DON' WANNA DO THIS, THIS HURTS!" I got into it and it became almost enjoyable. Almost. I think the thought, the idea of working out is more satisfying than the physical reality of it.

It was so sweet to have Boomer watching me lift weights and ask, "Aw-right, mama?"
I guess I was grimacing.
I put a smile on my face and focused on his little head, bent over the little yellow ATV he was scooting back and forth on the floor, with those hands which are mini replicas of my husband's.
"Yes, love, I am all right. Mama is ah-sizing."
I am a mama. I can do anything.
And I did 10 more excruciating reps with my barbell.


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