Today I did The Firm-- Firm Abs. It was still in cellophane, so I broke it in this morning, but to be honest, unlike with every other The Firm workout I own, I was disappointed. Firm Abs has a crappy warmup, and the rest of it is boring and didn't feel very effective, despite their guarantee of "visible results in 10 workouts". Maybe I have the abs of a rhinoceros-- have to *really* work them out to feel a thing.
During this, Boomer was beside me on the exercise mat, and at one point, while I was crunching away, he was actually patting my head, as I do to him. How sweet was that? I have the best personal trainer in the entire world!
Today I had the pleasure of getting together with a family I have wanted to meet for a while. We got to talking about food, and I mentioned that I wished I could be a vegetarian because I am not thrilled to eat "dead things." The mama replied, laughing, "Aw, 'c'mon, you love steak!"
Well, that's just it. I never preferred beef, and actually stopped eating it for ...let me think... yes, 10 years, after I read a brutally honest account of what goes on at a slaughterhouse. I was so sickened by it that I didn't touch the stuff for a very, very long time. The mere sight of it made my stomach turn. Plus, to me, it had always had a funny smell.
That all changed with my first pregnancy. My husband was stunned when I first suggested we order it at a restaurant, but didn't say a thing as he watched me devour every bite. Over the next 8 months, all I wanted was beef, beef, beef. While I was nursing, the same thing. Soon, I got pregnant again, and all I wanted was beef fajitas! And burgers, God, with avocado. I was horrified, but couldn't help myself, and I figured that if my body was asking for it, then the baby must need it, and I decided that I should have what the baby needs.
There must have been something to this, because my late-pregnancy iron test showed no variation from my non-pregnant blood count. My OB could not believe it. "Incredible-- everyone I've seen, until you, had had some variation! You must really have a very good diet."
Oh, I did. In my third tri with Boomer, I ate lots of fish, spinach, and beef.
Currently, nursing is making me voracious, especially since I started working out. And, yes, I am still craving the steak.
But just as the taste for sweets went out the window while I was pregnant, I suspect that when I stop nursing, beef will smell funny to me again. And, yes, I really wish I could steer clear of meat altogether. Some years ago, I tried, but after a few months, my hair started to fall out in clumps. Another time, I ate a lot of soy for protein, but then chickened out (no pun intended) when I read disturbing research about soy.
I was so bummed, but gave it up, and stopped feeding it to Boomer (then, an infant) too.
Oh, what a complicated relationship I have with food. I could go on and on about food. But right now, I have a little boy here, who is sleepy and needs a cuddle :)
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