Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Do not pass GO, do not collect $200

Major frikkin' setback.

Yesterday, Dr. Z. decided to try ultrasound therapy. It caused a flareup of my lower back/SI joint, and now I am hobbling around, frustrated and thinking this will *never* go away.

Here I was, with almost no pain, the light plainly visible in the tunnel, when WHAM, back to where I started.

This so sucks.
Yesterday, my OB told me she was surprised that my kids are skinny, because "both you and your husband are hefty people."

Today at my lesson with Mari, she told me, again, how I need to do cardio because I need to lose at least 10 pounds.

I get it already, OK? I run around hungry most of the time, grazing on power foods that would make 90% of people roll their eyes, and I barely sit all day long. How the hell am I supposed to do so much exercise if I am injured?

I get it. I am doing something about it. I just need everyone to shut the hell up.


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