She wants to take over
Today was hard.
I had the shortest fuse in the universe, and would have given anything to escape and just go somewhere quiet, but I had things at home that absolutely had to get done.
You see, I am going through carb withdrawal. After a few weeks of eating absolutely anything I wanted, I have reached the point where, if I don't cease and desist immediately, all the hard work over the past year will have gone to, um, waist. As in, "I spelled it that way because I feel my inner Michelin Woman taking over."
Today my only carb fix was whatever was in a tiny portion of dark chocolate chips from Ghirardelli. I would have killed for some cookies. Or some caramel. But I held strong.
Oh, and I got in about 30 minutes of hooping, which I am happy to report, I enjoyed.
Need to focus on patting myself on the back for doing that half hour, rather than beat myself up because I didn't hoop for a full hour.
But you can bet I'll do the full hour tomorrow. Because Michelin Woman must be kept at bay.
PS-- Check out the photo Janet Jackson chose to place on her website. Interesting that she would choose this one, huh?
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