I heart Resveratrol
Used to be that solo drinkers were considered closet alcoholics.
I remember back in the 90s when the wine mania began in the United States, hearing women say, "I am at home, enjoying a glass of wine," and thinking, "Drunk. Boozer. Dipsomaniac."
How could one drink alone? It was unthinkable.
Fast forward almost 20 years, and here I am, at 4 PM, BWD (Blogging while Drinking) and actually feeling pretty good about it, given the recent research on Resveratrol and the mounting evidence that one daily glass of wine can be beneficial.
Add to that another day of repeatedly interrupting screaming and crying fits, while trying to figure out which of the three needed to be reprimanded, and I am actually thinking I earned the darned thing.
I have my hoop ready to go, and am looking forward to a nice, core-tightening, back-loosening session.
But first, I intend to relish every drop of my Feteasca Neagra, my favorite wine in the whole, wide world. Not only is its lush, berry/plum bouquet inimitable, but Romanian wine never gives me heartburn and sulfite headaches, which, sadly, a nice Château Lafitte inevitably does.
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