Tuesday, August 07, 2007

"All this weight."

I have become fascinated-OK, obsessed- with fish.
I am now the proud owner of 30 betta tanks (yes, thirty) most of them 3.5 gallon, one 10 gallon, which I keep for quarantining new fish, and a wonderful 80 gallon stocked with peaceful community fish. Oh, and one 3.5 gallon that contains three dwarf African frogs.

I'm having a great time learning, and boy, there is a lot to learn. I also need to stay off
Aquabid. I ended up getting betta from Thailand and Indonesia, all because of the temptation of that darned site.

Recently, on Aquabid, I came upon this listing, and became fascinated with discus. I found out that in the beginning, mama and dad discus keep their babies, called fry, on their heads (!) and produce a substance on their skin that the fry eat. When one parent gets too annoyed with this process, he or she shakes the fry off, and the other parent takes over for a while.

I keep thinking about this while my husband is away.

My fry are constantly on my head, LOL. I'm it-- no one to take them off for me.

Thank goodness I *have* to go see Mari, or else I'm sure I would stop exercising.

Today I so didn't feel like doing anything. Plus, I was so nervous and rushed, and I had a hard time concentrating. Ugh. I got into it halfway through the hour, but felt so scattered for the first half.

"Rose," Mari asked at one point, "have you been doing cardio?"

CARdio? Are you kidding? With this cough, and with all the 2 million things on my list?


"Well, if you do cardio, it will help you lose all this weight."


Gimme a break, lady.

I'm really busy being a forkin' discus for two weeks.


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