Yamuna Body Rolling!
I had never heard of this before, but by the end of the class, I was so hooked that I ran home and ordered a couple of balls and the complete set of tapes, so I can do this as often as possible, by myself.
It is what I have desperately been needing-- a way to loosen tight muscles and get fit at the same time. When I did some net research on it, I found out that it is a great complement to Pilates.
Here is some info:
Yamuna Body Rolling is a revolutionary approach to health and fitness that takes you through specific routines, allowing you to massage and release tight muscles and connective tissue by using your own body weight and a ball. Yamuna Body Rolling reeducates muscles and stimulates bone, realigning the body to create positive, permanent change. YBR allows you to work specific muscles in detail, creating suppleness in tight areas and optimal range of motion,leaving you feeling relaxed and re-vitalized!
I am so glad I got out of the basement to work out. There is a whole world of different types of exercise out there, and they sure are a lot more fun than what I have been doing!
That sounds like a really interesting class. And I think you are right about getting out of the basement, at least from time to time, and trying new ways to get results
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