Friday, July 13, 2007


Feeling so antsy tonight.

I didn't get to exercise, and for some reason, that drove me nuts. Maybe because I am so afraid that, again, I will drop it.

Today was Boom's first tennis lesson, and he loved it. He saw Roger Federer win Wimbledon and wants to be just like him.

So, off to tennis lessons we went.

The initial plan was to not have school on Fridays for the rest of the summer, but after his lesson he really wanted to go, so we made a mad dash to his preschool. Then, another mad dash to the dealer's to drop off one car and pick up another that had been serviced.

Quick lunch, then off to the bank, then off to get Boom again, and we had half an hour to rest a bit before we had to dress and go to dinner with the whole family (of 7) which had already been arranged.

So I never got a chance to do a thing. But I did have fruit salad for dessert, instead of something "high-octane."

Crap, I should have at least done some push ups or something. Maybe I still will, just so I won't go nuts.

good quality Reformer/ Cadillac combos online tonight, and got sticker shock.
Yowza. Are you ready for this?


That's almost as much as my first car!


Blogger Penny said...

Well done on the good dessert choice! (Former Jenny Craig staffer talking here!). And dont forget that a rest day every now and then is a good thing.


1:17 AM  

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