I am feeling very good this evening.
Today I did over an hour. I started with 25 minutes of backwards on the Stairmaster. OK, here's why backwards: you get a really good butt and hamstring workout, and your knees are far less stressed. I also have strong quadriceps, and I don't want biggie legs, so I don't want to work my quads too much. The butt, however, is another story.
I want my butt back. This flat, square thing has got to go!
I followed with biceps curls using 18 pounds. I did some delts, and triceps, too. I finished with bench presses with 70. Boomer was watching me, running around in circles, jumping on the mini-tramp, then running some more, yelling, "GO, MAMA!" and "UP! UP!" as I hoisted the barbell. I am so glad he is seeing me do this, and so pleased that he, too, is exercising. I worry that he spends way too much time watching Thomas the Tank Engine and Tom and Jerry.
When I was done lifting, I asked for a kiss and instead, he gave me a high five. LOL! Oh, and while I was on the Stairmaster, he brought me my weight lifting gloves. "Here, Mama, bluvvs!" What a sweetheart.
By the end, I was sweaty, gross, and very happy. Two months ago, I watched the time on the Stairmaster, gasping for breath, and 7 minutes felt like forever. Today, I wanted to do more after 25 (at level 7!) but it was already 2PM, and we had planned to have a picnic.
We did. The picnic was great. Stefan discovered the joys of pulling grass, and Boomer had fun watching a group of wild ducks. We ate Lebanese takeout, and had dark chocolate for dessert.
I had a Margarita this evening, 'cause I earned it.
Tomorrow, I will work the hell out of my abs.
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