Thursday, October 11, 2007

Had a great time this morning while the kids were at school, despite really awful PMS.

First I went Christmas/birthday shopping, and for myself I got, for the first time ever, a book on CD.

This one ---->

I have to admit, I am not liking the way it is read (the reader is way too dramatic and makes the characters sound fakey when they talk) but it is nice to get to "read" a book again, and use the time spent in traffic a little more efficiently.

Since both boys and my husband have upcoming birthdays, plus Christmas is around the corner, I have been shopping for about a month. It worked very well last year, and it took all the pressure off, to get things done, and wrapped, in time. Although last year I didn't get to wrapping until Christmas Eve, because my mother-in-law was in the ICU-- and then passed away a day before my husband's birthday, on the 20th.

I'm already stoked about the upcoming holiday season. We're all healthy and in good moods, the businesses are going very well (something that was not true last year) and having less back pain gives me additional cheer.

After shopping, I went ice skating for an hour, and got to talking with a woman who recommended a skating instructor. She claims this guy is the absolute best. He happened to be on the ice coaching a little girl, who I had noticed before he showed up. She was so little, yet was skating like a little ballerina, with great confidence, plus she looked as if she was having a blast.

Exactly what I want for Boom. I put in a skating lesson request for this guy.

Hey, I might go for a few lessons myself.


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