Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Still in the "old" house, which is now full of guests.
Been working out very hard, but not every day. Sunday I did a very grueling 1-hour workout, mostly weights.
Today, I did another. I can now leg press 120 pounds. That even impressed me, LOL!
I do have to confess that I have scarfed down way too many Godiva caramels. Marshall's had boxes of them, and I bought two. Both are now empty. Boomer helped, eating some of the dark chocolate/raspberry ones. I need to be very careful, as these have always been my downfall.
Tomorrow will be a lot of cooking, family time, and fun.
Hope Boomer lets us sleep at least until 7.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Goodbye Forever, Blue Beast

Well, I have both been looking forward to it, and dreading it. No longer pumping, that is.
I am now pumping about once every 24 hours, slowly stopping the milk production process. A part of me is incredibly sad, for many reasons. It is an end to my body providing for my tiny one.

It is also an end to my youth, in a way. I will never be pregnant again, I will never nurse again. My childbearing years are ov-ah. Go to menopause, go directly to menopause, do not pass go, do not collect $200. And boy, am I afraid of Flapjack Boobs. Victoria's Secret had better come through to lift these puppies, because already, I am seeing changes in them that scare me. My OB was right. The boobs go after the *second* child.

I still have a freezer full of milk, and Stefan has been eating through that. He got way, way more breast milk than Boomer ever did. Ironic, since when I was pregnant, I toyed with the idea of just doing formula for Stefan. Then I saw his teeny, scrawny body (I can't eat a lot when pregnant, so I gave birth to two very skinny kids) and was determined to move heaven and earth to feed him.

Here he is, about 5 days old. That is his knee next to my husband's hand. I put the TV remote next to him so I could always remember he was little bigger than that.

Here is Stefan, today, at almost one year. Still slender, but definitely has meat on those bones!

Pumping has been tedious, inconvenient, painful, and confining. For almost a whole year, my life was scheduled around my Medela Classic pump, fondly nicknamed The Blue Beast. I even took that thing to The Bahamas, believe it or not. If that isn't dedication, it is insanity, at the very least.

It is now time to stop. I am doing it very slowly, both for Stefan (he is still getting about 3 ounces of fresh milk every day) and for myself. I don't want to get blocked ducts, mastitis, and I am reluctant to let go of my freebie.

The 200 to 500 calorie freebie, a wonderful, wonderful thing that goes with nursing. The last time I stopped nursing, my body pretty much puffed out like the Goodyear blimp. The combo of hormonal changes and my cravings for sweets had, um, big consequences. That is *not* going to happen this time.

I am eating a lot of fruit and yogurt these days. I am noticing that there is this pad of fat on my belly that refuses to budge. I don't even want to think about the fact that you can't spot reduce, except through liposuction. The rest of me looks OK. Except for that belly. Ugh.

Good bye, Blue Beast.

Good bye, 200 to 500 calorie freebie.

I'm on my own now.

That kinda sucks. Pun intended.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Draggin' Butt

Well, I tried the advice in yesterday's article. Worked out, hard, at 10AM. The result? I have been draggin' major butt for over three hours now.

I will not do it again. Working out in the morning is *not* for me, does *not* give me an energy boost. On the contrary, it seems to absolutely drain me, and I am no good for the rest of the day.

Right now, I am parked on my bed, shopping (just placed an order for Peet's Holiday Blend-- sounds very special this year!) while Boomer watches Tom and Jerry. This is the time of day when everyone rests in our household. Boom used to nap, but now he likes to relax and watch TV, which is even better for me, because I really miss my kids when they're asleep.

In about 15 minutes, I'm putting Stefan in my Hip Baby, and taking both boys for a nice walk around the neighborhood so I can wake up! Tomorrow it will rain, so this is our chance to get outside and enjoy the wonderful fall weather. I have been keeping the windows open all day long. Absolute bliss. The smell of leaves and earth is something I cherish, every year. I love fall.

And I love the new crop apples. If you have not yet tried organic Gala apples, you are missing a wonderful treat for your taste buds. The conventionally farmed Galas are good, too, but the organic are exceptional.

All in all, I'm doing pretty well, I guess.

Feeling very blessed, and liking being me.

Wow, I can't believe I just said that.

Took me many decades to get to this point. It sure is nice to be here.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Article I found: Seven Steps to Slimming Down

STEP 1: Know When to Eat

Staying trim is all about timing: It’s crucial to eat something every three hours. If you don’t eat regularly, your metabolism plummets and guess what, you gain weight. A few tips: 1. Eat breakfast within one hour of rising.2. Eat every three hours.3. Stop eating three hours before bedtime.Eating every three hours is a natural way to suppress your appetite. Knowing when to start eating, how to eat throughout the day and when to stop is critical.

STEP 2: Move in the Morning

Some of you might prefer to put the pillow over your head rather than roll out of bed and exercise. But Exercising eight minutes in the morning does three important things.1. Dramatically boost your metabolism. You burn more fat when you work out in the morning.2. Give you an endorphin high that will make you feel great all day.3. Ensure you consistently lose two pounds a week.Also make time for sleep as well. Get those eight hours, wake up feeling rejuvenated and get ready to move!

STEP 3: Visualize Your Success

Creating a mental picture of the new you is a great way to stay focused on your goals. Ask yourself these questions: 1. How will you see your body shrink with the smarter choices you make? 2. How will you feel when you attain your ultimate body?3. What will people say to you when you’re lighter?Close your eyes and imagine a future dream vacation after you’ve reached your goal weight. Are you watching starfish swim in the Caribbean? Perhaps you’re strolling the vibrant streets of Paris.

STEP 4: Buddy Up

Sharing your weight-loss goals with a friend, co-worker or family member is a great way to ensure support. The person you choose should be someone you feel comfortable talking with openly. Perhaps you exchange a daily e-mail or a brief phone call. You should discuss the number of pounds you’ve lost and two things you did that week that you’re most proud of. Your buddy can also help you put on the brakes when you feel yourself heading toward the refrigerator.Building your inner support team will ensure you’ve got a great foundation of friends to help you on your journey.

STEP 5: Keep a Journal

When you hear those cookies calling you into the kitchen, one of the best things you can do is stop and write in your journal. Writing down the events of the day, how they made you feel and your successes can inspire you to “just say no” to the fridge. As you write, you should make sure to explore your fears, anger, sadness and challenges as well. Getting it all out there will help to quiet those voices calling you to overeat and keep you focused on your big picture goals.Set a time to write every day. When you put pen to paper you’ve learned the secret to becoming your own greatest ally.

STEP 6: Learn the Secrets to Eating Out

Don’t let dining out be your downfall. Most restaurants serve too-big portions. Here are a few tricks to keep you on track:1. Ask for a take-home container to be brought with your meal. When your meal arrives visualize a better portion size and put anything that doesn’t fit into that portion in your container.2. Chew each bite of food between 20-30 times. It helps digestion and prevents overeating.3. Watch the lattes: If you’re in the mood for a java fix, remember that most coffee drinks are higher in calories than a cheeseburger.

STEP 7: Stay Hydrated

Water is your secret weapon. Drinking water greatly increases your oxygen levels. And in order for your lean muscle tissue to burn fat, it needs oxygen to convert the fat into energy. You won’t have to eat as much to be satisfied if you drink enough water. But eight glasses of water a day is not enough. It’s better to use a 16-ounce glass and fill it every hour. Whenever you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. So don’t wait for it to happen, make sure you’re keeping that water glass filled and your body in a well-hydrated state.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Off to the basement

I am tired, and I don' wanna. I want to go to bed and just sleep. Coffee didn't help perk me up this morning. Neither did the juice, or the whole wheat bagel.

My husband set a good example and kicked some serious butt downstairs.

My turn.

I'm going to put on my new (OK, vintage) World Gym t-shirt, and join the perpetually grimacing Arnold.

Will report back later.

Ugh. I so don' wanna!

1:30 PM

Well, I did it. Killer weights. I feel so accomplished that I put on makeup :)
Going out to a family lunch.
And wearing a thong.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Back after 2 weeks

Wow. It has been a very long time since I updated. Very, um, interesting few weeks, lately. Life has been extremely stressful, very busy, and I am behind on just about everything I need to do, including exercising and, consequently, keeping this blog.

We are frantically trying to get the work completed on the new house. My husband was determined to move in yesterday, but I knew, for certain, that it would not happen.

Work is still being done; the basement is a construction site, and every inch of the house is covered in dust. The electricians have been a nightmare. Lights are still not installed, even though they had us pay for overnight shipping for several fixtures. One of the glass domes on a ceiling fan has disappeared. I suspect it was installed incorrectly, fell, and broke. Two remotes for ceiling fans have vanished. The outdoor "magic eye" (supposed to turn on the lights at dusk and off at dawn) doesn't work, and the lights are on all the time. There are still plumbing leaks. Fixtures are not yet installed. The AV system still needs work. The Corian in the laundry rooms needs to be redone. The granite in the kitchen is not yet done. Neither is any of the babyproofing. There are still sinks and showers that need to be installed. Mirrors, shower doors, and cabinets, too. The panels for the fridge and dishwashers were never ordered. Oversight on the part of the designer, so we will have to live with bare stainless steel backing for several weeks. The microwave is somewhere on a truck, due to arrive next week.

You get the picture.

We have house guests coming on Friday. Maybe, next Friday, we will move in. Hey, at least I know there's DIRECTV-- that went in this afternoon, also with problems. They were unable to put the dish on the roof, and had to install it on a pole right in the front yard. I need to find a decent planting to camouflage that thing ASAP.

I have done zero Christmas/birthday shopping. Stefan's birthday is on the 29th, Boomer's on December 8th, my husband's, on the 21st. I don't know how I'm going to manage.

The thing is, I know my "problems" are nothing. The house will get done, it is an absolute dream, and we will be incredibly happy there. I am a person who believes that all good things *do* come to those who wait. So, I am waiting patiently, and joyfully.

Um, and, eating more dark chocolate than I should. Hey, I *had* to buy a box of dark Godivas -- my son loves them, too, keeps asking for "cawk-lit" out of the box.

Exercise has been my nightly running after Boomer with Stefan under my arm, plus running up and down the driveway, pushing Stefan in the stroller while helping Boom master his tricycle and keeping him from riding into the street. I hate, hate, hate running, but I love having a good time with my sons, and the crisp, fresh air of autumn is one of the great joys in life.

I am also eating very well. Very small portions, lots of fruit, lots of yogurt. I have begun tossing a handful of cranberries in the morning juice smoothie, which gives it a cool pink color and a wonderful tart taste.

The running and the diet, however, will not build muscle. And I have no excuse: I have not done weight-bearing exercise in a while.

Tomorrow, I will go to the basement and lift.

Thank you for the kick in the ass, Jessy.