But is it safe?
New Sensa sprinkles-- hmmm... might be worth a try!
My long-awaited new hoop arrived moments ago, from Customhoop.com.
So, I have allowed myself enough time to be sad and wallow in my Michael Jackson funk.
I had a suspicion that Boom has a sinus infection, but it turns out that both have ear bugs again.
Very, very, very tired and frustrated with these colds.
There is so much going on here, especially in my head, that things are beginning to slide off my plate in large chunks.
You know what causes stress?
Well, at least the boys' ear infections are gone.
This morning we had our follow up, and the ear infections are still there in both boys. Not as bad, but definitely still there. Poor Boom is having some trouble hearing, if spoken to too quietly.
Today I feel like crap.
Ugh. Took both kids to the pediatrician today. Not only are the ear infections still there, but they are even worse. On a scale of 1 to 10, Boom has a 7 and a 5, Stefan, 8 in both ears. In addition, the little one has lost 3 pounds, which is a lot, considering he weighed only 32.
Today I baked all day. I made these killer buns, using rum and raisins. They were so incredibly good.
That easy, I mean. It never is, is it?
I am going to add what I have long suspected: they drink so much milk that they don't eat enough solid, nutritious food, so their systems are weak and every virus that knocks, gains entry.
Here is more I found:
Nutritionists hold that milk has two elements -- lactose which is broken down by the body's enzyme, lactase; and casein split by the enzyme, renin. Between the ages of three and four, both these enzymes vanish from our system. Which means that in nature's original prescription, after age four, we should be off milk.
However, if we continue on the milky way, the unbroken casein, a coarse substance used in making wood-glues, gums up our delicate membranes with mucus. Which is why we've not been able to conquer the common cold and are vulnerable to asthma, bronchitis, headaches and subsequently to diabetes, heart problems and cancer.
On the mineral front, imbibing milk as a calcium source is like licking limestone! Being low in magnesium -- calcium's comrade -- milk grandly deposits the[calcium] in us and simultaneously hinders our bones from absorbing it! Whereas all foods grown in the ground suck the entire calcium-magnesium matrix from the soil, incorporates it in their infrastructure and...voila - present a mineral-rich meal on our plate!
Bones are as organically alive as muscles and respond to regular exercise. Brisk walking, jogging or bouncing combined with light-weight training alerts them where they seize and absorb the streaming calcium.
We are going milk-free for 4 weeks, to see what happens.
It's going to be tough. My kids adore the stuff.
Stefan is sick again.
As I was shopping today for a cartful of groceries, I was surprised by how many people around me, doing the same thing, looked stressed, hurried, and even pissed to be doing this.
Since when did this stop being fun?
Thanksgiving is supposed to be a festivity. This means there should be joy involved. I sidestepped the angry woman yelling at her mother about tomatoes, and hummed and smiled as I pushed my chock-full cart through the crowded aisles, trying to ignore the man who rushed, full-speed, ahead of me, grumbling something, and the woman who called someone on her cell and asked, "Do you like mushrooms?" (pause) "Just answer the QUESTION!"
Why are they doing this, I wondered, if it brings so much stress? I swear, I would just take the day off, eat frozen pizza, and veg in front of the TV in my jammies on Thursday, if "doing" Thanksgiving gave me that much grief.
It is so easy to focus on the "have to" instead of the "want to" or "it gives me pleasure to."
We have food, we have bounty, we have wonderful homes, we have peace. Many of you who read my blog (and it gives me great pleasure knowing that you do!) have children, too. Huge blessings, all of those.
My wish for you is that you smile all day this Thursday. That you focus on all the things in your life that make you happy. That your meal is the best you've ever had. And that all that great food you gobble does not go to your thighs :)
You'd think I'd have it figured out by now: There is no silver bullet.
Long, exhausting day today.