Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cold gone, back to the program

Well, I managed to beat the cold from hell all by myself, with no antibiotics.

Today I saw Mari and went through a rigorous one-hour workout.

Will do the same tomorrow.

Yesterday I went to an otolaryngologist who looked inside my nose with a small camera. He declared that what he sees is normal, and fired off a prescription for
Flonase, saying that it is "very gentle."
This thing is a steroid, people! The fine print says, "While using Flonase, tell your doctor if you have severe or ongoing nose bleed, vision problems, sores in the nose that won't heal, or if you have fever, body aches, chills, or flu symptoms."

Sheesh! I am trying to feel better, not worse!

He also ordered a cat scan of my sinuses.

I went outside, chucked the order and the prescription, and got myself to Whole Foods, where I found the spray in the picture. Similasan Sinus Relief. No side effects, no burning, no scary fine print, and wouldn't you know, it works like magic. I can smell things I have not been able to smell in years.
I think I need to find myself a naturopathic doctor. When faced with a choice, rather than immediately taking a machine gun to that fly, I'd rather try the good ol' fly swatter first, thank you very much.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Journey-- blast from the 80s, made famous again by the Sopranos

We interrupt this exercise blog to bring you the video I am playing incessantly.

Steve's voice is just one of a kind, and Neil's guitar (at 0:46) simply rocks!


I so love electric guitar!


Journey-- Don't Stop Believin'

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Repost from Whymommy.com-- Something all women should know

Recently, I came upon a blog of a lovely woman with two beautiful boys, who found out she has inflammatory breast cancer. It is a sneaky, stealthy thing that can show up without there being a lump.

Here are her words, which I repost here. It is so very important that all women are aware of this. Here's hoping it can help someone.

We hear a lot about breast cancer these days. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes, and there are millions living with it in the U.S. today alone. But did you know that there is more than one type of breast cancer?

I didn’t. I thought that breast cancer was all the same. I figured that if I did my
monthly breast self-exams, and found no lump, I’d be fine.

Oops. It turns out that you don’t have to have a lump to have breast cancer. Six weeks ago, I went to my OB/GYN because my breast felt funny. It was red, hot, inflamed, and the skin looked…funny. But there was no lump, so I wasn’t worried. I should have been. After a round of antibiotics didn’t clear up the inflammation, my doctor sent me to a breast specialist and did a skin punch biopsy. That test showed that I have inflammatory breast cancer, a very aggressive cancer that can be deadly.

Inflammatory breast cancer is often misdiagnosed as mastitis because many doctors have never seen it before and consider it rare. “Rare” or not, there are over 100,000 women in the U.S. with this cancer right now; only half will survive five years. Please call your OB/GYN if you experience several of the following symptoms in your breast, or any unusual changes: redness, rapid increase in size of one breast, persistent itching of breast or nipple, thickening of breast tissue, stabbing pain, soreness, swelling under the arm, dimpling or ridging (for example, when you take your bra off, the bra marks stay – for a while), flattening or retracting of the nipple, or a texture that looks or feels like an orange (called peau d’orange). Ask if your GYN is familiar with inflammatory breast cancer, and tell her that you’re concerned and want to come in to rule it out.

There is more than one kind of breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer is the
most aggressive form of breast cancer out there, and early detection is critical. It’s not usually detected by mammogram. It does not usually present with a lump. It may be overlooked with all of the changes that our breasts undergo during the years when we’re pregnant and/or nursing our little ones. It’s important not to miss this one.

Inflammatory breast cancer is detected by women and their doctors who notice a change in one of their breasts. If you notice a change, call your doctor today. Tell her about it. Tell her that you have a friend with this disease, and it’s trying to kill her. Now you know what I wish I had known before six weeks ago.

You don’t have to have a lump to have breast cancer.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Getting sick

Sore throat and sneezing. Slightly stuffy nose.


Friday, July 20, 2007

Yamuna Body Rolling!

Today I took a 1-hour Yamuna Body Rolling class.

I had never heard of this before, but by the end of the class, I was so hooked that I ran home and ordered a couple of balls and the complete set of tapes, so I can do this as often as possible, by myself.

It is what I have desperately been needing-- a way to loosen tight muscles and get fit at the same time. When I did some net research on it, I found out that it is a great complement to Pilates.

Here is some info:

Yamuna Body Rolling is a revolutionary approach to health and fitness that takes you through specific routines, allowing you to massage and release tight muscles and connective tissue by using your own body weight and a ball. Yamuna Body Rolling reeducates muscles and stimulates bone, realigning the body to create positive, permanent change. YBR allows you to work specific muscles in detail, creating suppleness in tight areas and optimal range of motion,leaving you feeling relaxed and re-vitalized!



I am so glad I got out of the basement to work out. There is a whole world of different types of exercise out there, and they sure are a lot more fun than what I have been doing!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Far from hot, but inching toward it

Today I did an hour and 10 minutes with Mari. I wish she could work out with me every day. I can't believe how fast time flies by when you work with a trainer.

I also wish results could be seen faster. I will just keep this sign in mind as I get another and another session under my belt.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One more under my belt-- makes 9 Pilates lessons

Today I got to see my Mari.

I am so fortunate to have found this wonderful woman. She micromanages, that is, she makes sure every inch of your form is perfect when performing an exercise. I could not believe how fast the time flew by with her-- and she kept me for an hour and 20 minutes.

At the end of the session, she had me do knee push-ups. Made me smile, how she positioned each body part just so. She had me do several, just to see how I do, and pronounced me strong. I smiled and told her that, no, I used to be able to do 25 full push-ups, not the knee ones. Thing is, if she said that, then I suppose most "beginners" can't do push-ups. So I'm good.

My injury is still bothering me. Mari knows about it, so I am not afraid to work out with this problem.

Tomorrow I have another session with her. I am already looking forward to it.

I bought two pairs of these wonderful Toe Sox. Not only do they take away the gross factor (I hate exercicisng barefoot where others have also done so) but they improve your grip and feel really nice on the feet.

I also have decided on what Reformer I am going to get, when I feel I do deserve it.

This one. OMG. Drool, drool.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Well, at least now I know what it is...

Today I went and saw a sports injury specialist. It turns out that what I have is not muscular, but an inflammation of my sacroiliac joint. It started in pregnancy, and it keeps flaring up. Right now, it's a pretty nasty flareup. I am going to have to go to treatment twice a week, and it's going to be a long and slow recovery.

Meanwhile, I am working around the injury. I completed the 5th day of my 10-day sentence at the first Pilates place. Since everything happens for a reason, I believe the reason for going there was to find the sports injury guy, whose office is right across the hall. Heh, heh.

I worked out for an hour and did mostly upper body stuff. I did manage to break a sweat, which is good.

I am stoked because tomorrow I get to see my Mari. So stoked, in fact, that I canceled two dental appointments, one mine, and one, Boom's. I will reschedule those, but I decided that, in order to maintain my sanity, I am going to have to give myself a break, and, sometimes, allow myself to do what I really, really want to do. So the dentist will have to wait for a little while. 'Cause I really, really want to see this lady.

I caved and took Aleve this evening, and am waiting for it to kick in. So I will be blissfully pain-free for a little while.

My best news of the day is that my husband said I am beginning to narrow in the waist. If I weren't hurtin' so much, I'd be doing a little happy dance right now.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Forget the Advil...pass the Aleve!

Not good. My hip flexor is shot, so is my right lower back, and the backs of my knees hurt.

I have determined that, sadly, my injuries are coming from using my rowing machine. So, I guess it will have to go, even though it is a wonderful piece of equipment that still has a lot of use on it. I will sell it and start my Reformer Fund.

The injuries didn't stop me today, though.
I did Mari Windsor's ab sculpting DVD. I found that, trying to do them correctly, I was unable to do some of the ab exercises. For me, this was humbling, as I never thought I had a problem before, with any DVD. Now that I know some technique, though, I realized that it would be impossible to sit up from lying down without "cheating" and using muscles I was not supposed to use, ie, back muscles that could get seriously hurt.

So, I grunted through, did the best I could, enjoyed Stefan and Boom, who, of course, had to show up and participate, too. After a while, Boom declared that "this is too hard, I can't do this anymore." Stefan would get in my face, saying, "HI, MAMA!"

I do so love my boys.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Pass the painkillers

Over an hour of cardio, weights, ball, rowing, etc. Backwards on the Stairmaster, too.

As always when I work out by myself, I overdid it.

Pass the Advil cake.

OW .

Friday, July 13, 2007


Feeling so antsy tonight.

I didn't get to exercise, and for some reason, that drove me nuts. Maybe because I am so afraid that, again, I will drop it.

Today was Boom's first tennis lesson, and he loved it. He saw Roger Federer win Wimbledon and wants to be just like him.

So, off to tennis lessons we went.

The initial plan was to not have school on Fridays for the rest of the summer, but after his lesson he really wanted to go, so we made a mad dash to his preschool. Then, another mad dash to the dealer's to drop off one car and pick up another that had been serviced.

Quick lunch, then off to the bank, then off to get Boom again, and we had half an hour to rest a bit before we had to dress and go to dinner with the whole family (of 7) which had already been arranged.

So I never got a chance to do a thing. But I did have fruit salad for dessert, instead of something "high-octane."

Crap, I should have at least done some push ups or something. Maybe I still will, just so I won't go nuts.

good quality Reformer/ Cadillac combos online tonight, and got sticker shock.
Yowza. Are you ready for this?


That's almost as much as my first car!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Totally hooked


It has quickly turned from curiosity to raging addiction, for me. Part of the reason is that it is something totally new and, unlike most forms of exercise, it is *fun*. Also, unlike any other workout I have ever done, I leave energized and feeling bouncy as opposed to hurting and exhausted. For the first time ever, I actually *want* to work out!

Yesterday, I went to the studio where I hated the locale, but really liked the teachers. Got a very thorough and fantastic workout.

Today I had a private lesson with the instructor of my dreams. Not only are her credentials impressive and her teaching method very clear and thorough, but she immediately makes people comfortable as soon as she says hello. She is friendly, motherly, and confident. Has 2 cats and 4 grandchildren. I already love her.

And she really, really wants to see her students progress.

We clicked immediately. The woman let me walk out her door without even paying for the lesson, saying I could bring a check next time, for the 10-lesson package I want to purchase.

I can't wait until I get really good at Pilates. What I saw the advanced students doing looked like a blast.

Its almost too good to be true: something that will give me the body and energy I've always wanted, that I also *look forward* to doing? I feel as if I've hit the jackpot, I really do.

Monday, July 09, 2007

I think I found my Mari

I am very happy to say that I did like my instructor today. Thank goodness. She's not a kid, not overenthusiastic, knows how to correct graciously, and is very calm and soothing. I booked the rest of my "sentence" with her. My husband says that I should not go there anymore, if I consider it a sentence. He is so right.

I managed to book a session with a woman whose profile and picture on the net seemed nice, and whose attitude I really liked when we spoke on the phone today. She does private lessons out of her house. *Real* one-on-one, not one of a row of machines, with someone having a lesson right beside you.

Sounds so good. I think I'm going to like her a lot-- I already do! Hope I like her home setup, too! She seemed to think her equipment is better. No leather straps, for instance. We'll see.

I'm trying hard to not get discouraged when I look in the mirror. I know it takes at least 4 months to see any results, and those, if you work out consistently.

I already feel better, though. Not so sluggish anymore, not so stiff. And I am really proud of myself for taking the step to go learn something new, that is, to be honest, quite tough to do.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Doe, a deer...

Priceless moment with Boom today.

He was eating a snack at about 8 o'clock, at the kitchen table which sits in front of a sliding glass window, when he said, quietly, "Mama, come here."

I did. He pointed outside, where I saw a fawn passing through the back yard. "A baby deer!" I said.

"A mama, too," he told me.
Sure enough, I looked through another window, and there she stood, about 10 yards from my kitchen, a doe, frozen by fright, but still, she would not leave. Just stood there with her fawn, motionless, looking at me.

"Boom, come see," I whispered.

I picked him up, and he pressed his cheek to mine, obviously realizing that he was looking a the picture of us in animal version: a baby and its mama. "Why is she not going?" he asked.

Then, from the right, a second fawn appeared.

Boom and I grinned at one another. So, that was why she stood there, even though she had spotted us: she was waiting for offspring number two.

"That's her Stefan," I said.

"She was waiting for him!"

When both her babies were with her, she moved on.
I used to really dislike deer, because they always ate my roses. But this time, it was different. Even though she wasn't human, she was a mother, and strangely, I felt a link with that elusive, wild creature.

Anyway... today I did Winsor Pilates Sculpting Circle Advanced. Gotta be careful with that one; it was what messed up my hip flexor a few months ago, and I still have pain there.

Dreading class tomorrow. I guess I'm hoping to find a local Mari Winsor.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Far from a hundred

Today I did an hour of mixed cardio, weights, and work on the ball. I also did some of the moves I learned at Pilates class, namely, the hundred. This, you're supposed to do until you reach a hundred beats. It is terribly uncomfortable when you are just starting out. Humbles, you, really, to see how you have to struggle through something that looks so darned easy.

Tomorrow I will actually count to see how many I can do.

A friend of mine said she doesn't know of the Reformer.

The Universal Reformer is a piece of equipment that looks like this.

Depending on the exercise, your body weight will rest on the padded platform, which moves along the base of the machine through a series of pulleys. The motions are performed with cables and a series of different handles, depending on what motion you’re performing.

These exercises are not performed in sets, really. It is a long, continual motion that will target balance and flexibility, every bit as much as it targets strength and conditioning.

What’s interesting about Pilates is that there are no weights involved. No adjusting the resistance, no sliding that pin down a couple of plates. *You* are the resistance. When you pull the cables in toward your chest, the weight that you're pulling is simply your own body weight. The Reformer takes away gravity during the exercise; your working muscles create the movement and stability.

Aside from toning up the torso, The Pilates Method is said to help you achieve healthy breathing and relaxation while vastly increasing stamina.
All of which I need.
I really hope I find a studio and teacher that I like. My ultimate goal is to learn how to do the exercises properly (they are much, much trickier than weights) and get my own Reformer, so I can work on my own.
By myself. Oh, how I hate being told what to do. And that includes exercise instructors.

Friday, July 06, 2007

How do you say "hello" in Whale-ese?

I'm back -- after only two years.

I can't believe it has been that long.

The last entry date was the last serious workout I had done in a long, long time.

Actually, I was trying to convince myself that I had stopped working out for only one year. But there you have it. Almost two whole years.

No wonder picking it up again has been nothing short of torturous. Can we say, "Humpback?"

What made me stop working out? Something pretty bad happened, I was glued to my computer screen without eating or sleeping much, for a whole week, and then my attitude was, well, "Fuck it."

Over these last two years, I ate very healthfully, tried cutting portions, tried cutting carbs, and have been up and down. But I have not been feeling well. My energy was at an all-time low, and everything seemed to creak and be stiff. And I have rolls in places where they are driving me crazy. Not so much the way they look, but the way they feel. Belly fat is uncomfortable. Those of you carrying your junk in your trunk should be happy about that -- at least you don't have to *work around* your caboose all day long.

After two rather disastrous attempts at cheating, one being Lipodissolve, and the other, Alli pills, I finally faced, again, the disappointing reality: there is no way around working out.
My husband has been slowly and quietly getting in shape for many months, and every time he'd go to the basement, I'd be in bed, watching some movie.
Finally, he asked me if I can help him by teaming up. Well, now, that is impossible to refuse.
So, here I am, again, starting fresh, feeling very proud of myself for having completed, let's see... 6 one-hour workouts this week. My sons, my wonderful little sweethearts, now 2 1/2 and 4 1/2, are thrilled! Boom actually works out with weights, I kid you not.

Since I have always wanted to try the Reformer, I found a local Pilates studio where, unfortunately, I signed up for a 10-lesson package.

I say unfortunately because I hate the instructors and I hate the workouts, and I can't get my money back.

So far, I have gone to 3 lessons and I already want out. I will post about that in the coming days.
Today I tried a different studio. Liked the workout, hated the locale. Looked like a darned torture chamber.
At least today I am going to bed pleased with myself.
Stay tuned! I have so much to say, as always!